


Colossal HQ
Los Angeles, California. 2017

Colossal’s LA Headquarters was a plain old and uncared building in Los Angeles Arts District when they moved in. So Colossal commissioned me to cover every square inch in chaotic, hand painted madness to publicly display their intent to make shit that’s awesome for no reason other than to make shit that’s awesome.
The result was an insanely detailed mural.


Most of the side work I do with Colossal is usually a massive logistical and financial undertaking for both of us. It took a year to develop the art, six months to squeeze it into our schedule, twelve guys brushing twelve-hour shifts for 30 days, and a couple of Ivy League degrees worth of cash, but it doesn’t always have to make dollars to make sense... or maybe it doesn’t have to make sense at all.


ROLe: Illustration
Painters: SkyHigh Murals
(the real heros on this job)
Company: COlossal Media